Every Entrepreneur needs mentors and the best mentors are those who are self-made multi-millionaires like Loral. You do not want to miss this powerful 90-minute presentation and networking opportunity. The events are FREE but you must RSVP by reserving your seat HERE …FREE!
FabulousOver50 Magazine is proud to partner with Tom Jaikomes of American Dream Magazine be bringing World Renowned Success; Finance Coach Loral Langemeier – The Millionaire Maker to Schaumburg for 3 presentations about MAKING MONEY, KEEPING MONEY and INVESTING MONEY.
We recently featured Loral in our Spring Issue of Fabulous Over 50, you can read the article here.
Click this link for your FREE TICKET
We look forward to seeing you there!
All The Best!
Christine Neal
Founder; Fabulous Over 50
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