From the Publisher:
My parents were fortunate enough to retire at 50 years old in the early 80’s. Dad was a dentist who had a practice in Cedar Lake, Indiana, the town I grew up in. He worked hard for many years and helped a lot of people in the years he worked.
I watched as they enjoyed their new found freedom. They planned well financially and were doing well. They remodeled the house, traveled to Europe, purchased a new car, indulged their grandchildren, and spent the cold winter months as “Snowbirds”, in sunny Florida.
Life was good for them.
In 1995, I set out to start my own marketing company, Target Promotions, LLC. One of the first events I created was a Senior Day held on May 20, 1995, at Century Mall in Merrillville, Indiana. When planning the advertising for the event, we discovered that there was no publication just for Seniors in NW Indiana. In need of having a targeted publication to promote the event, I created a tabloid prior to the event to publicize the event. In a brainstorming session with my parents the name of the publication, Seniors on the Go! was born.
Fast forward sixteen years later; I have since sold Seniors on the Go! over 10 years ago, and found myself displaced after publishing a local trade magazine for residential builders called Builder/Architect Magazine.
Wanting to resurrect Seniors on the Go!, I started doing a lot of research about Boomers, their needs, and their purchasing power. I wanted to do a great magazine that catered to the over 50 crowd. But using the word Senior… I think not! I find myself a younger boomer, recently turning the BIG 50, along with 72 MILLION other Boomers, who shudder at the thought of being called a SENIOR!
In an effort to provide insightful information on a variety of topics and useful goods and services to this dynamic consumer… Fabulous Over 50 was born.
I hope you enjoy the publication both on line and in print and please join the conversations and “Like” us on Facebook!
Christine Neal
Publisher Fabulous Over 50

Mom and Dad
Seeing the sights on their trip to Europe in 1994.