By: Theresa Neal
Becoming an Engaging Speaker
Getting involved in Engaging Speakers is easy. While it’s normal to be nervous, even if you are an expert in your field, the organization is designed to be very supportive. Engaging Speakers works to help put you in front of your target audience and seeks out high-quality events to participate in.
To apply for membership, visit our website here.
Looking for a Speaker?
Are you responsible for hiring speakers for your company or organization?
Engaging Speakers provides meeting planners, program directors, associations and corporations with a free website that allows them to access many highly qualified, prescreened speakers, so they can effectively book all of their meeting speakers in one place in a fast and efficient manner. Meeting Planners can also attend our monthly meetings to meet our speakers, get a feel for their style and content, and book them for their future meetings, workshops or conferences. What a time-saver!
If you are looking to hire a powerful speaker for your next event, just visit the website for a list of speakers here.
Here is What Our Members Have to Say:
When I first Joined Engaging Speakers, I was trying to launch a new career as an entertainer for women’s groups. I do an entertainment piece titled “Husbands: An Owner’s Manual.” Through the organization, I have had direct bookings, hired a booking agent to increase those bookings. I learned how to promote my speaking through social media, improved y performance skills and received the encouragement to write a book based on the performance script.
~ Judi Schinder
Gail has given voice to aspiring speakers (as well as elevating experienced speakers) for over a decade. I have personally experienced the impact her reputation has in opening doors to opportunity. In addition to what she has done for me personally, I have seen members create life changing programs, move onto international stages, speak in areas of politics, the arts, diversity, health, business, the list is extensive.
~ Dona Smith Bellinger
I love Engaging Speakers. It has helped me be a confident, comfortable speaker. The free mentorship that comes with membership helped me to set up the business side of my speaking business. I value the opportunity as a professional member to have my own customized speaker web page and the opportunity to speak at chapter meetings.
~ Phyllis Mariene

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