POWERHOUSE Phyllis Benstein
…Helping Women Build Stronger Hair and Stronger Bank Accounts
How many of you Fabulous Over 50 Women are or have been Over worked? Overstressed, and Underappreciated? That was Phyllis at the end of a 25 year career in Engineering in Corporate America, and it was affecting her most precious roles of mother of four, devoted wife, friend and servant to many.
“I never envisioned my life looking like this. I’m grateful that someone came into my life and asked me to take just a few minutes to learn about Network Marketing and the benefits. She said this may or may not be for me, but I owed it to myself to take a look. I was intrigued, and so glad I did!”, she tells us. “I now believe there’s nothing better than being your own boss and designing the life of your dreams. There’s so much freedom and empowerment that comes with this!” she added.
Network marketing is word of mouth advertising where women get paid for sharing great products. It is possible to have a business without investing hundreds of thousands of dollars, and working from home means that you don’t have any overhead. It is the perfect business for Women Over Fifty.
Just a few years ago Phyllis” life was defined by Corporate America. Although her roots were in the fashion and beauty industry, she graduated from college with a bachelor of science in Electrical engineering and began her 25 year career in a male dominated, fast paced and demanding environment. She loved my job but needed some new creative and inspiring challenges. About 14 years into that career she was introduced to Network Marketing.. For many years she worked my part time business alongside her tech career. But continued to fall in love with the environment, freedom, flexibility, extreme positivity and the opportunity to work with other women who genuinely wanted to empower themselves and each other to be all they can be
Recently, she has found her dream company with Monat. This company specializes in anti-aging, naturally and botanically based hair care products that are clinically proven and leading the market in strengthening men and women’s hair at the follicle by nourishing it with essentials oils found in nature. She loves the companies philosophy that mirrors her own; “To be truly successful, you need to invest in the success of those around you.” (Luis Urdanetta,Chairman)
Monat has afforded Phyllis, now 50+, the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally, while growing her bottom line as well. She passionate about helping other women over fifty do the same. Her track record includes leading, inspiring, and mentoring a 2 million dollar team, of which her new endeavor will far exceed. Her family enjoys that she is able to contribute to the budget and have additional funds for paying college tuitions. Some other perks include award that have allowed her to be able to take her husband on all expense paid vacations.
Are you ready to increase your income, have residual income, and start living your dream life?
For more information and samples contact Phyllis Marlene Benstein Directly
847-910-6039 or visit: www.phyllis.mymonat.com
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