Disney for Christmas? Are you Nuts? If you go…Plan Ahead

Holiday’s are spectacular at Disney World By: Theresa Neal Walt Disney World can be an amazing place to visit in late December. The park is full of holiday decorations. Even the characters put on special outfits to help celebrate the season. Unfortunately, all this good cheer tends to draw a crowd. The week of Christmas

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POWERHOUSE: Phyllis Benstein

POWERHOUSE Phyllis Benstein …Helping Women Build Stronger Hair and Stronger Bank Accounts How many of you Fabulous Over 50 Women are or have been Over worked? Overstressed, and Underappreciated?  That was Phyllis at the end of a 25 year career in Engineering in Corporate America, and it was affecting her most precious roles of mother

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Live A Life You LOVE “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau BY: Julia Skeesick When it gets right down to it that is what we all want. To wake up with energy and enthusiasm, to enjoy what we are doing

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