What do your fabulous and over 50 heart’s desire?
As a facilitator for Spiritual Laws, Theories and Practices Discussion groups, I have found there are helpful tips, formulas, and methods one can utilize to manifest all they desire effortlessly.
How Do I Begin Manifesting?
The common question that is posed to me in our group discussions is: “how do I begin manifesting and what does it entail?”
My very first response is to start with gratitude for everything you currently have. Then, I share your end result first and work backward. Next, I suggest using a simple formula to utilize in any given situation. Following that, allow yourself to review the effective and non-effective methods to achieve and accomplish that which you desire. Finally, I recommend checking your “doubt meter.”
I encourage each of you to get a journal. Write down your desires and goals. Allow your first sentence to be: I am thankful and grateful for what I have received, am receiving and will continue to receive for the greater good of all involved, and so it is.
Before one can truly manifest their heart’s desires, a foundation of gratitude is paramount. Why? Because how can you be happy with anything you receive if you are not grateful for what you have now?
Let’s review the following tips, formulas, and methods.
Helpful Tips:
Using affirmative words such as, “I am enthusiastically riding my new Harley-Davidson motorcycle” versus “One day I hope to have a motorcycle”.
Allow what you want to manifest to be as if it already has happened. This makes the desire fully in the NOW!
Formula: E+R=O
This formula is directly from Jack Canfield, the amazing author of “Success Principles”.
E = Event
R = Response
O = Outcome
“E” What is the Event of your hearts desire?
Example: The event would be the wedding.
“R” How you Respond in the given situation or desire. Any change in your response affects the outcome.
Example: doubtful and uncertain or confident and grateful.
“O” We must know what our Outcome is.
Example: You want the outcome of your wedding to be fun and memorable.
Effective and Non Effective Methods:
Effective: To be effective in your hearts desires, it is very important to be genuinely positive and grateful in manifesting your desires.
Non-effective: It is said that your subconscious knows if you truly believe what you desire. Therefore, doubt, fear, and uncertainty will give you more of the negative outcomes.
Consider attending our Spiritual Laws group or one similar and local to you.
Now it’s time to name it and claim it! Enjoy!
by Rev. Rhonda Schienle, Spiritual Laws, Theories and Practices Facilitator and Founder of Interfaith Ministry Services, LLC
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