Jump In…Live Fully

By:  Julia Skeesick As we go through our lives there are multiple opportunities we encounter that we routinely avoid, saying we do not like  them or are afraid. This reaction is normal, we all have our own comfort levels, fears and preferences. But in many  circumstances the things we avoid can be very limiting to

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Healthy Thanksgiving Munch

Veggie Tray Shaped Like a Turkey This little turkey will help your willpower once all the starchy stuff comes out. Load up with as much of these FREE veggies beforehand and you will be pleased with yourself the morning after. Line the plate with red lettuce leaves. Layer celery sticks in a semi-circle around the

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Networking – Chicks Connect

“Chicks Connect is more than a membership, it is a movement. Chicks are agents of change, doing much more than simply supporting women in business with referrals and marketing ideas. Becoming a member requires one to look deeper within oneself to live a fuller, more vibrant life, while helping members take the time for self-

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Pam Shakes Off 40lbs.

Pam Shakes Off 40 Pounds By: Christine Neal As Pam Bates’ grandchildren got older, she found herself winded trying to keep up with them. “That is no way to live,” she told our reporters. “I want to be able to keep up with these kids, play with them at the playground and run after them.”

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Fresh Looks for Fall

      SOME DECORATING TIPS TO HELP GIVE YOUR HOME A FRESH NEW LOOK!            I know.  The kids are back in school…summer vacations seem like a distant memory, and you’re finding yourself looking around your home thinking, “It’s time to do something….but I just don’t know what!” No matter how long you’ve lived in

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Live A Life You LOVE “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau BY: Julia Skeesick When it gets right down to it that is what we all want. To wake up with energy and enthusiasm, to enjoy what we are doing

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Maintaining Youthful Skin

By: Jill Moss Stetson Your skin is your ultimate wardrobe. When you first meet someone you may look at their eyes and/or their clothes, but ultimately you get to their skin. And together these create an impression. Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy, beautiful skin. When your skin is healthy and beautiful your confidence

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